path: root/tools/testing/selftests/drivers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/selftests/drivers')
7 files changed, 649 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
index 4933d045ab66..c9f2f48fc30f 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ TEST_PROGS = \ \ \ \
+ \
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..931dbc36ca43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+import datetime
+import random
+from import ksft_run, ksft_pr, ksft_exit, ksft_eq, ksft_ge, ksft_lt
+from import NetDrvEpEnv
+from import EthtoolFamily, NetdevFamily
+from import KsftSkipEx
+from import rand_port
+from import ethtool, ip, defer, GenerateTraffic, CmdExitFailure
+def _rss_key_str(key):
+ return ":".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in key])
+def _rss_key_rand(length):
+ return [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(length)]
+def get_rss(cfg, context=0):
+ return ethtool(f"-x {cfg.ifname} context {context}", json=True)[0]
+def get_drop_err_sum(cfg):
+ stats = ip("-s -s link show dev " + cfg.ifname, json=True)[0]
+ cnt = 0
+ for key in ['errors', 'dropped', 'over_errors', 'fifo_errors',
+ 'length_errors', 'crc_errors', 'missed_errors',
+ 'frame_errors']:
+ cnt += stats["stats64"]["rx"][key]
+ return cnt, stats["stats64"]["tx"]["carrier_changes"]
+def ethtool_create(cfg, act, opts):
+ output = ethtool(f"{act} {cfg.ifname} {opts}").stdout
+ # Output will be something like: "New RSS context is 1" or
+ # "Added rule with ID 7", we want the integer from the end
+ return int(output.split()[-1])
+def require_ntuple(cfg):
+ features = ethtool(f"-k {cfg.ifname}", json=True)[0]
+ if not features["ntuple-filters"]["active"]:
+ # ntuple is more of a capability than a config knob, don't bother
+ # trying to enable it (until some driver actually needs it).
+ raise KsftSkipEx("Ntuple filters not enabled on the device: " + str(features["ntuple-filters"]))
+# Get Rx packet counts for all queues, as a simple list of integers
+# if @prev is specified the prev counts will be subtracted
+def _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=None):
+ cfg.wait_hw_stats_settle()
+ data = cfg.netdevnl.qstats_get({"ifindex": cfg.ifindex, "scope": ["queue"]}, dump=True)
+ data = [x for x in data if x['queue-type'] == "rx"]
+ max_q = max([x["queue-id"] for x in data])
+ queue_stats = [0] * (max_q + 1)
+ for q in data:
+ queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] = q["rx-packets"]
+ if prev and q["queue-id"] < len(prev):
+ queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] -= prev[q["queue-id"]]
+ return queue_stats
+def _send_traffic_check(cfg, port, name, params):
+ # params is a dict with 3 possible keys:
+ # - "target": required, which queues we expect to get iperf traffic
+ # - "empty": optional, which queues should see no traffic at all
+ # - "noise": optional, which queues we expect to see low traffic;
+ # used for queues of the main context, since some background
+ # OS activity may use those queues while we're testing
+ # the value for each is a list, or some other iterable containing queue ids.
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+ GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+ directed = sum(cnts[i] for i in params['target'])
+ ksft_ge(directed, 20000, f"traffic on {name}: " + str(cnts))
+ if params.get('noise'):
+ ksft_lt(sum(cnts[i] for i in params['noise']), directed / 2,
+ "traffic on other queues:" + str(cnts))
+ if params.get('empty'):
+ ksft_eq(sum(cnts[i] for i in params['empty']), 0,
+ "traffic on inactive queues: " + str(cnts))
+def test_rss_key_indir(cfg):
+ """Test basics like updating the main RSS key and indirection table."""
+ if len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg)) < 2:
+ KsftSkipEx("Device has only one queue (or doesn't support queue stats)")
+ data = get_rss(cfg)
+ want_keys = ['rss-hash-key', 'rss-hash-function', 'rss-indirection-table']
+ for k in want_keys:
+ if k not in data:
+ raise KsftFailEx("ethtool results missing key: " + k)
+ if not data[k]:
+ raise KsftFailEx(f"ethtool results empty for '{k}': {data[k]}")
+ key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
+ # Set the key
+ key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))
+ data = get_rss(cfg)
+ ksft_eq(key, data['rss-hash-key'])
+ # Set the indirection table
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
+ reset_indir = defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+ data = get_rss(cfg)
+ ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ # Check we only get traffic on the first 2 queues
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+ GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+ # 2 queues, 20k packets, must be at least 5k per queue
+ ksft_ge(cnts[0], 5000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
+ ksft_ge(cnts[1], 5000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
+ # The other queues should be unused
+ ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:]), 0, "traffic on unused queues: " + str(cnts))
+ # Restore, and check traffic gets spread again
+ reset_indir.exec()
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+ GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+ # First two queues get less traffic than all the rest
+ ksft_lt(sum(cnts[:2]), sum(cnts[2:]), "traffic distributed: " + str(cnts))
+def test_rss_queue_reconfigure(cfg, main_ctx=True):
+ """Make sure queue changes can't override requested RSS config.
+ By default main RSS table should change to include all queues.
+ When user sets a specific RSS config the driver should preserve it,
+ even when queue count changes. Driver should refuse to deactivate
+ queues used in the user-set RSS config.
+ """
+ if not main_ctx:
+ require_ntuple(cfg)
+ # Start with 4 queues, an arbitrary known number.
+ try:
+ qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 4")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
+ except:
+ raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test or qstat not supported")
+ if main_ctx:
+ ctx_id = 0
+ ctx_ref = ""
+ else:
+ ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
+ ctx_ref = f"context {ctx_id}"
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} {ctx_ref} delete")
+ # Indirection table should be distributing to all queues.
+ data = get_rss(cfg, context=ctx_id)
+ ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ ksft_eq(3, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ # Increase queues, indirection table should be distributing to all queues.
+ # It's unclear whether tables of additional contexts should be reset, too.
+ if main_ctx:
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 5")
+ data = get_rss(cfg)
+ ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ ksft_eq(4, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 4")
+ # Configure the table explicitly
+ port = rand_port()
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} {ctx_ref} weight 1 0 0 1")
+ if main_ctx:
+ other_key = 'empty'
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+ else:
+ other_key = 'noise'
+ flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {ctx_id}"
+ ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+ defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
+ _send_traffic_check(cfg, port, ctx_ref, { 'target': (0, 3),
+ other_key: (1, 2) })
+ # We should be able to increase queues, but table should be left untouched
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 5")
+ data = get_rss(cfg, context=ctx_id)
+ ksft_eq({0, 3}, set(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ _send_traffic_check(cfg, port, ctx_ref, { 'target': (0, 3),
+ other_key: (1, 2, 4) })
+ # Setting queue count to 3 should fail, queue 3 is used
+ try:
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 3")
+ except CmdExitFailure:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"Driver didn't prevent us from deactivating a used queue (context {ctx_id})")
+def test_rss_resize(cfg):
+ """Test resizing of the RSS table.
+ Some devices dynamically increase and decrease the size of the RSS
+ indirection table based on the number of enabled queues.
+ When that happens driver must maintain the balance of entries
+ (preferably duplicating the smaller table).
+ """
+ channels = cfg.ethnl.channels_get({'header': {'dev-index': cfg.ifindex}})
+ ch_max = channels['combined-max']
+ qcnt = channels['combined-count']
+ if ch_max < 2:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Not enough queues for the test: {ch_max}")
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 2")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} weight 1 7")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {ch_max}")
+ data = get_rss(cfg)
+ ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+ ksft_eq(7,
+ data['rss-indirection-table'].count(1) /
+ data['rss-indirection-table'].count(0),
+ f"Table imbalance after resize: {data['rss-indirection-table']}")
+def test_hitless_key_update(cfg):
+ """Test that flows may be rehashed without impacting traffic.
+ Some workloads may want to rehash the flows in response to an imbalance.
+ Most effective way to do that is changing the RSS key. Check that changing
+ the key does not cause link flaps or traffic disruption.
+ Disrupting traffic for key update is not a bug, but makes the key
+ update unusable for rehashing under load.
+ """
+ data = get_rss(cfg)
+ key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
+ key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
+ tgen = GenerateTraffic(cfg)
+ try:
+ errors0, carrier0 = get_drop_err_sum(cfg)
+ t0 =
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))
+ t1 =
+ errors1, carrier1 = get_drop_err_sum(cfg)
+ finally:
+ tgen.wait_pkts_and_stop(5000)
+ ksft_lt((t1 - t0).total_seconds(), 0.2)
+ ksft_eq(errors1 - errors1, 0)
+ ksft_eq(carrier1 - carrier0, 0)
+def test_rss_context(cfg, ctx_cnt=1, create_with_cfg=None):
+ """
+ Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
+ The queues will be allocated 2 for each context:
+ ctx0 ctx1 ctx2 ctx3
+ [0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [6 7] ...
+ """
+ require_ntuple(cfg)
+ requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
+ # Try to allocate more queues when necessary
+ qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
+ if qcnt < 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
+ try:
+ ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
+ except:
+ raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
+ ports = []
+ # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+ for i in range(ctx_cnt):
+ want_cfg = f"start {2 + i * 2} equal 2"
+ create_cfg = want_cfg if create_with_cfg else ""
+ try:
+ ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", f"context new {create_cfg}")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete")
+ except CmdExitFailure:
+ # try to carry on and skip at the end
+ if i == 0:
+ raise
+ ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
+ ctx_cnt = i
+ break
+ if not create_with_cfg:
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} {want_cfg}")
+ # Sanity check the context we just created
+ data = get_rss(cfg, ctx_id)
+ ksft_eq(min(data['rss-indirection-table']), 2 + i * 2, "Unexpected context cfg: " + str(data))
+ ksft_eq(max(data['rss-indirection-table']), 2 + i * 2 + 1, "Unexpected context cfg: " + str(data))
+ ports.append(rand_port())
+ flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id}"
+ ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+ defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
+ for i in range(ctx_cnt):
+ _send_traffic_check(cfg, ports[i], f"context {i}",
+ { 'target': (2+i*2, 3+i*2),
+ 'noise': (0, 1),
+ 'empty': list(range(2, 2+i*2)) + list(range(4+i*2, 2+2*ctx_cnt)) })
+ if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
+def test_rss_context4(cfg):
+ test_rss_context(cfg, 4)
+def test_rss_context32(cfg):
+ test_rss_context(cfg, 32)
+def test_rss_context4_create_with_cfg(cfg):
+ test_rss_context(cfg, 4, create_with_cfg=True)
+def test_rss_context_queue_reconfigure(cfg):
+ test_rss_queue_reconfigure(cfg, main_ctx=False)
+def test_rss_context_out_of_order(cfg, ctx_cnt=4):
+ """
+ Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
+ Contexts are removed in semi-random order, and steering re-tested
+ to make sure removal doesn't break steering to surviving contexts.
+ Test requires 3 contexts to work.
+ """
+ require_ntuple(cfg)
+ requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
+ # Try to allocate more queues when necessary
+ qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
+ if qcnt < 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
+ try:
+ ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
+ except:
+ raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
+ ntuple = []
+ ctx = []
+ ports = []
+ def remove_ctx(idx):
+ ntuple[idx].exec()
+ ntuple[idx] = None
+ ctx[idx].exec()
+ ctx[idx] = None
+ def check_traffic():
+ for i in range(ctx_cnt):
+ if ctx[i]:
+ expected = {
+ 'target': (2+i*2, 3+i*2),
+ 'noise': (0, 1),
+ 'empty': list(range(2, 2+i*2)) + list(range(4+i*2, 2+2*ctx_cnt))
+ }
+ else:
+ expected = {
+ 'target': (0, 1),
+ 'empty': range(2, 2+2*ctx_cnt)
+ }
+ _send_traffic_check(cfg, ports[i], f"context {i}", expected)
+ # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+ for i in range(ctx_cnt):
+ ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", f"context new start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")
+ ctx.append(defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete"))
+ ports.append(rand_port())
+ flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id}"
+ ntuple_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+ ntuple.append(defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple_id}"))
+ check_traffic()
+ # Remove middle context
+ remove_ctx(ctx_cnt // 2)
+ check_traffic()
+ # Remove first context
+ remove_ctx(0)
+ check_traffic()
+ # Remove last context
+ remove_ctx(-1)
+ check_traffic()
+ if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
+def test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, other_ctx=0):
+ """
+ Test contexts overlapping with each other.
+ Use 4 queues for the main context, but only queues 2 and 3 for context 1.
+ """
+ require_ntuple(cfg)
+ queue_cnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
+ if queue_cnt < 4:
+ try:
+ ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {queue_cnt} -> 4")
+ ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined 4")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {queue_cnt}")
+ except:
+ raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
+ if other_ctx == 0:
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 4")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+ else:
+ other_ctx = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} equal 4")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} delete")
+ ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
+ ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} start 2 equal 2")
+ defer(ethtool, f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete")
+ port = rand_port()
+ if other_ctx:
+ flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {other_ctx}"
+ ntuple_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+ ntuple = defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple_id}")
+ # Test the main context
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+ GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+ ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :4]), 20000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
+ ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :2]), 7000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
+ ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]), 7000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
+ if other_ctx == 0:
+ ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]), 0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
+ # Now create a rule for context 1 and make sure traffic goes to a subset
+ if other_ctx:
+ ntuple.exec()
+ flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {ctx_id}"
+ ntuple_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+ defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple_id}")
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+ GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+ cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+ directed = sum(cnts[2:4])
+ ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), directed / 2, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
+ ksft_ge(directed, 20000, "traffic on extra context: " + str(cnts))
+ if other_ctx == 0:
+ ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]), 0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
+def test_rss_context_overlap2(cfg):
+ test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, True)
+def main() -> None:
+ with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__, nsim_test=False) as cfg:
+ cfg.ethnl = EthtoolFamily()
+ cfg.netdevnl = NetdevFamily()
+ ksft_run([test_rss_key_indir, test_rss_queue_reconfigure,
+ test_rss_resize, test_hitless_key_update,
+ test_rss_context, test_rss_context4, test_rss_context32,
+ test_rss_context_queue_reconfigure,
+ test_rss_context_overlap, test_rss_context_overlap2,
+ test_rss_context_out_of_order, test_rss_context4_create_with_cfg],
+ args=(cfg, ))
+ ksft_exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/
index edcedd7bffab..a5e800b8f103 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import os
+import time
from pathlib import Path
from import KsftSkipEx, KsftXfailEx
-from import cmd, ip
+from import cmd, ethtool, ip
from import NetNS, NetdevSimDev
from .remote import Remote
@@ -82,6 +83,8 @@ class NetDrvEpEnv:
self.env = _load_env_file(src_path)
+ self._stats_settle_time = None
# Things we try to destroy
self.remote = None
# These are for local testing state
@@ -222,3 +225,17 @@ class NetDrvEpEnv:
if remote:
if not self._require_cmd(comm, "remote"):
raise KsftSkipEx("Test requires (remote) command: " + comm)
+ def wait_hw_stats_settle(self):
+ """
+ Wait for HW stats to become consistent, some devices DMA HW stats
+ periodically so events won't be reflected until next sync.
+ Good drivers will tell us via ethtool what their sync period is.
+ """
+ if self._stats_settle_time is None:
+ data = ethtool("-c " + self.ifname, json=True)[0]
+ self._stats_settle_time = 0.025 + \
+ data.get('stats-block-usecs', 0) / 1000 / 1000
+ time.sleep(self._stats_settle_time)
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/
index abdb677bdb1c..d9c10613ae67 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/
@@ -5,28 +5,45 @@ import time
from import ksft_pr, cmd, ip, rand_port, wait_port_listen
class GenerateTraffic:
- def __init__(self, env):
+ def __init__(self, env, port=None):
env.require_cmd("iperf3", remote=True)
self.env = env
- port = rand_port()
- self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -p {port}", background=True)
+ if port is None:
+ port = rand_port()
+ self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -1 -p {port}", background=True)
self._iperf_client = cmd(f"iperf3 -c {env.addr} -P 16 -p {port} -t 86400",
background=True, host=env.remote)
# Wait for traffic to ramp up
- pkt = ip("-s link show dev " + env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
+ if not self._wait_pkts(pps=1000):
+ self.stop(verbose=True)
+ raise Exception("iperf3 traffic did not ramp up")
+ def _wait_pkts(self, pkt_cnt=None, pps=None):
+ """
+ Wait until we've seen pkt_cnt or until traffic ramps up to pps.
+ Only one of pkt_cnt or pss can be specified.
+ """
+ pkt_start = ip("-s link show dev " + self.env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
for _ in range(50):
- now = ip("-s link show dev " + env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
- if now - pkt > 1000:
- return
- pkt = now
- self.stop(verbose=True)
- raise Exception("iperf3 traffic did not ramp up")
+ pkt_now = ip("-s link show dev " + self.env.ifname, json=True)[0]["stats64"]["rx"]["packets"]
+ if pps:
+ if pkt_now - pkt_start > pps / 10:
+ return True
+ pkt_start = pkt_now
+ elif pkt_cnt:
+ if pkt_now - pkt_start > pkt_cnt:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def wait_pkts_and_stop(self, pkt_cnt):
+ failed = not self._wait_pkts(pkt_cnt=pkt_cnt)
+ self.stop(verbose=failed)
def stop(self, verbose=None):
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/
index 76f1ab4898d9..e1ad623146d7 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ source $lib_dir/
source $lib_dir/
source $lib_dir/
+ test_keyful
+ test_soft
+ test_tos_fixed
+ test_ttl_inherit
tunnel_create gt6-key ip6gretap 2001:db8:3::1 2001:db8:3::2 \
@@ -118,15 +125,15 @@ test_span_gre_ttl_inherit()
ip link set dev $tundev type $type ttl inherit
- mirror_install $swp1 ingress $tundev "matchall $tcflags"
- fail_test_span_gre_dir $tundev ingress
+ mirror_install $swp1 ingress $tundev "matchall"
+ fail_test_span_gre_dir $tundev
ip link set dev $tundev type $type ttl 100
- quick_test_span_gre_dir $tundev ingress
+ quick_test_span_gre_dir $tundev
mirror_uninstall $swp1 ingress
- log_test "$what: no offload on TTL of inherit ($tcflags)"
+ log_test "$what: no offload on TTL of inherit"
@@ -138,61 +145,49 @@ test_span_gre_tos_fixed()
ip link set dev $tundev type $type tos 0x10
- mirror_install $swp1 ingress $tundev "matchall $tcflags"
- fail_test_span_gre_dir $tundev ingress
+ mirror_install $swp1 ingress $tundev "matchall"
+ fail_test_span_gre_dir $tundev
ip link set dev $tundev type $type tos inherit
- quick_test_span_gre_dir $tundev ingress
+ quick_test_span_gre_dir $tundev
mirror_uninstall $swp1 ingress
- log_test "$what: no offload on a fixed TOS ($tcflags)"
+ log_test "$what: no offload on a fixed TOS"
- local should_fail=$1; shift
local tundev=$1; shift
local what=$1; shift
- mirror_install $swp1 ingress $tundev "matchall $tcflags"
- if ((should_fail)); then
- fail_test_span_gre_dir $tundev ingress
- else
- quick_test_span_gre_dir $tundev ingress
- fi
+ mirror_install $swp1 ingress $tundev "matchall"
+ fail_test_span_gre_dir $tundev
mirror_uninstall $swp1 ingress
- log_test "$what: should_fail=$should_fail ($tcflags)"
+ log_test "fail $what"
- local should_fail=$1; shift
- test_span_failable $should_fail gt6-key "mirror to keyful gretap"
- test_span_failable $should_fail gt6-soft "mirror to gretap w/ soft underlay"
+ test_span_failable gt6-key "mirror to keyful gretap"
- slow_path_trap_install $swp1 ingress
- slow_path_trap_install $swp1 egress
- test_failable 0
- slow_path_trap_uninstall $swp1 egress
- slow_path_trap_uninstall $swp1 ingress
+ test_span_failable gt6-soft "mirror to gretap w/ soft underlay"
- test_failable 1
test_span_gre_tos_fixed gt4 gretap "mirror to gretap"
test_span_gre_tos_fixed gt6 ip6gretap "mirror to ip6gretap"
test_span_gre_ttl_inherit gt4 gretap "mirror to gretap"
test_span_gre_ttl_inherit gt6 ip6gretap "mirror to ip6gretap"
@@ -202,16 +197,6 @@ trap cleanup EXIT
-if ! tc_offload_check; then
- check_err 1 "Could not test offloaded functionality"
- log_test "mlxsw-specific tests for mirror to gretap"
- exit
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/
index e5589e2fca85..d43093310e23 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ mirror_gre_tunnels_create()
filter add dev $swp1 ingress pref 1000 \
protocol ipv6 \
- flower $tcflags dst_ip $match_dip \
+ flower skip_sw dst_ip $match_dip \
action mirred egress mirror dev $tun
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ mirror_gre_tunnels_destroy()
local count=$1; shift
local should_fail=$1; shift
@@ -131,20 +131,6 @@ __mirror_gre_test()
- local count=$1; shift
- local should_fail=$1; shift
- if ! tc_offload_check $TC_FLOWER_NUM_NETIFS; then
- check_err 1 "Could not test offloaded functionality"
- return
- fi
- tcflags="skip_sw"
- __mirror_gre_test $count $should_fail
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/
index 31252bc8775e..4994bea5daf8 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/spectrum-2/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ALL_TESTS="single_mask_test identical_filters_test two_masks_test \
multiple_masks_test ctcam_edge_cases_test delta_simple_test \
delta_two_masks_one_key_test delta_simple_rehash_test \
bloom_simple_test bloom_complex_test bloom_delta_test \
- max_erp_entries_test max_group_size_test"
+ max_erp_entries_test max_group_size_test collision_test"
source $lib_dir/
source $lib_dir/
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ delta_two_masks_one_key_test()
# If 2 keys are the same and only differ in mask in a way that
# they belong under the same ERP (second is delta of the first),
- # there should be no C-TCAM spill.
+ # there should be C-TCAM spill.
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ delta_two_masks_one_key_test()
tp_record "mlxsw:*" "tc filter add dev $h2 ingress protocol ip \
pref 2 handle 102 flower $tcflags dst_ip \
action drop"
- tp_check_hits "mlxsw:mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add_ctcam_spill" 0
- check_err $? "incorrect C-TCAM spill while inserting the second rule"
+ tp_check_hits "mlxsw:mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add_ctcam_spill" 1
+ check_err $? "C-TCAM spill did not happen while inserting the second rule"
$MZ $h1 -c 1 -p 64 -a $h1mac -b $h2mac -A -B \
-t ip -q
@@ -1087,6 +1087,53 @@ max_group_size_test()
log_test "max ACL group size test ($tcflags). max size $max_size"
+ # Filters cannot share an eRP if in the common unmasked part (i.e.,
+ # without the delta bits) they have the same values. If the driver does
+ # not prevent such configuration (by spilling into the C-TCAM), then
+ # multiple entries will be present in the device with the same key,
+ # leading to collisions and a reduced scale.
+ #
+ # Create such a scenario and make sure all the filters are successfully
+ # added.
+ RET=0
+ local ret
+ if [[ "$tcflags" != "skip_sw" ]]; then
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ # Add a single dst_ip/24 filter and multiple dst_ip/32 filters that all
+ # have the same values in the common unmasked part (dst_ip/24).
+ tc filter add dev $h2 ingress pref 1 proto ipv4 handle 101 \
+ flower $tcflags dst_ip \
+ action drop
+ for i in {0..255}; do
+ tc filter add dev $h2 ingress pref 2 proto ipv4 \
+ handle $((102 + i)) \
+ flower $tcflags dst_ip 198.51.100.${i}/32 \
+ action drop
+ ret=$?
+ [[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && break
+ done
+ check_err $ret "failed to add all the filters"
+ for i in {255..0}; do
+ tc filter del dev $h2 ingress pref 2 proto ipv4 \
+ handle $((102 + i)) flower
+ done
+ tc filter del dev $h2 ingress pref 1 proto ipv4 handle 101 flower
+ log_test "collision test ($tcflags)"