path: root/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform')
2 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03d0449d307c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Makefile for ifs(In Field Scan) selftests
+include ../../../../../
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..8b68964b29f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Test the functionality of the Intel IFS(In Field Scan) driver.
+# Matched with kselftest framework: tools/testing/selftests/kselftest.h
+readonly KSFT_PASS=0
+readonly KSFT_FAIL=1
+readonly KSFT_XFAIL=2
+readonly KSFT_SKIP=4
+readonly CPU_SYSFS="/sys/devices/system/cpu"
+readonly CPU_OFFLINE_SYSFS="${CPU_SYSFS}/offline"
+readonly IMG_PATH="/lib/firmware/intel/ifs_0"
+readonly IFS_SCAN_MODE="0"
+readonly IFS_PATH="/sys/devices/virtual/misc/intel_ifs"
+readonly RUN_TEST="run_test"
+readonly STATUS="status"
+readonly DETAILS="details"
+readonly STATUS_PASS="pass"
+readonly PASS="PASS"
+readonly FAIL="FAIL"
+readonly INFO="INFO"
+readonly XFAIL="XFAIL"
+readonly SKIP="SKIP"
+readonly IFS_NAME="intel_ifs"
+readonly ALL="all"
+readonly SIBLINGS="siblings"
+# Matches arch/x86/include/asm/intel-family.h and
+# drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/core.c requirement as follows
+readonly SAPPHIRERAPIDS_X="8f"
+readonly EMERALDRAPIDS_X="cf"
+readonly INTEL_FAM6="06"
+# For IFS cleanup tags
+ echo -e "$1" | tee -a "$IFS_LOG"
+ local on_off=$1
+ local target_cpus=$2
+ local cpu=""
+ local cpu_start=""
+ local cpu_end=""
+ local i=""
+ if [[ -n "$target_cpus" ]]; then
+ for cpu in $(echo "$target_cpus" | tr ',' ' '); do
+ if [[ "$cpu" == *"-"* ]]; then
+ cpu_start=""
+ cpu_end=""
+ i=""
+ cpu_start=$(echo "$cpu" | cut -d "-" -f 1)
+ cpu_end=$(echo "$cpu" | cut -d "-" -f 2)
+ for((i=cpu_start;i<=cpu_end;i++)); do
+ append_log "[$INFO] echo $on_off > \
+ echo "$on_off" > "$CPU_SYSFS"/cpu"$i"/online
+ done
+ else
+ set_target_cpu "$on_off" "$cpu"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ local failed_info pass_num skip_num fail_num
+ if [[ -e "$IFS_LOG" ]]; then
+ failed_info=$(grep ^"\[${FAIL}\]" "$IFS_LOG")
+ fail_num=$(grep -c ^"\[${FAIL}\]" "$IFS_LOG")
+ skip_num=$(grep -c ^"\[${SKIP}\]" "$IFS_LOG")
+ pass_num=$(grep -c ^"\[${PASS}\]" "$IFS_LOG")
+ if [[ "$fail_num" -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo "[$INFO] IFS test failure summary:"
+ echo "$failed_info"
+ elif [[ "$skip_num" -ne 0 ]]; then
+ fi
+ echo "[$INFO] IFS test pass:$pass_num, skip:$skip_num, fail:$fail_num"
+ else
+ echo "[$INFO] No file $IFS_LOG for IFS scan summary"
+ fi
+ echo "[$INFO] Restore environment after IFS test"
+ # Restore ifs origin image if origin image backup step is needed
+ [[ "$IFS_IMAGE_NEED_RESTORE" == "$TRUE" ]] && {
+ mv -f "$IMG_PATH"/"$IMAGE_NAME"_origin "$IMG_PATH"/"$IMAGE_NAME"
+ }
+ # Restore the CPUs to the state before testing
+ [[ -z "$OFFLINE_CPUS" ]] || online_offline_cpu_list "0" "$OFFLINE_CPUS"
+ lsmod | grep -q "$IFS_NAME" && [[ "$ORIGIN_IFS_LOADED" == "$FALSE" ]] && {
+ echo "[$INFO] modprobe -r $IFS_NAME"
+ modprobe -r "$IFS_NAME"
+ }
+ ifs_scan_result_summary
+ [[ -e "$IFS_LOG" ]] && rm -rf "$IFS_LOG"
+ echo "[RESULT] IFS test exit with $RESULT"
+ exit "$RESULT"
+ local cmd=$*
+ local ret=""
+ append_log "[$INFO] $cmd"
+ eval "$cmd"
+ ret=$?
+ if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+ append_log "[$FAIL] $cmd failed. Return code is $ret"
+ ifs_cleanup
+ fi
+ local info=$1
+ declare -A EXIT_MAP
+ append_log "[${EXIT_MAP[$RESULT]}] $info"
+ ifs_cleanup
+ local off_cpus=""
+ online_offline_cpu_list "1" "$OFFLINE_CPUS"
+ off_cpus=$(cat "$CPU_OFFLINE_SYSFS")
+ if [[ -z "$off_cpus" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$INFO] All CPUs are online."
+ else
+ append_log "[$XFAIL] There is offline cpu:$off_cpus after online all cpu!"
+ ifs_cleanup
+ fi
+ FML=$(grep -m 1 "family" /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F ":" '{printf "%02x",$2;}')
+ MODEL=$(grep -m 1 "model" /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F ":" '{printf "%02x",$2;}')
+ STEPPING=$(grep -m 1 "stepping" /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F ":" '{printf "%02x",$2;}')
+ get_cpu_fms
+ if [[ "$FML" != "$INTEL_FAM6" ]]; then
+ test_exit "CPU family:$FML does not support IFS" "$KSFT_SKIP"
+ fi
+ # Ucode has time interval requirement for IFS scan on same CPU as follows:
+ case $MODEL in
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Set default interval time for other platforms
+ append_log "[$INFO] CPU FML:$FML model:0x$MODEL, default: 1s interval time"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local ifs_info=""
+ ifs_info=$(lsmod | grep "$IFS_NAME")
+ if [[ -z "$ifs_info" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$INFO] modprobe $IFS_NAME"
+ modprobe "$IFS_NAME" || {
+ test_exit "Check if CONFIG_INTEL_IFS is set to m or \
+platform doesn't support ifs" "$KSFT_SKIP"
+ }
+ ifs_info=$(lsmod | grep "$IFS_NAME")
+ [[ -n "$ifs_info" ]] || test_exit "No ifs module listed by lsmod" "$KSFT_FAIL"
+ fi
+ local ifs_info=""
+ ifs_info=$(lsmod | grep "$IFS_NAME")
+ if [[ -z "$ifs_info" ]]; then
+ check_ifs_loaded
+ else
+ append_log "[$INFO] Module $IFS_NAME is already loaded"
+ fi
+ if [[ -d "$IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$PASS] IFS sysfs $IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH entry is created\n"
+ else
+ test_exit "No sysfs entry in $IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH" "$KSFT_FAIL"
+ fi
+ local image_id=$1
+ local image_info=""
+ local ret=""
+ check_ifs_loaded
+ if [[ -e "${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME}" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$INFO] echo 0x$image_id > ${IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH}/current_batch"
+ echo "0x$image_id" > "$IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH"/current_batch 2>/dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ [[ "$ret" -eq 0 ]] || {
+ append_log "[$FAIL] Load ifs image $image_id failed with ret:$ret\n"
+ return "$ret"
+ }
+ image_info=$(cat ${IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH}/current_batch)
+ if [[ "$image_info" == 0x"$image_id" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$PASS] load IFS current_batch:$image_info"
+ else
+ append_log "[$FAIL] current_batch:$image_info is not expected:$image_id"
+ return "$KSFT_FAIL"
+ fi
+ else
+ append_log "[$FAIL] No IFS image file ${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME}"\
+ return "$KSFT_FAIL"
+ fi
+ return 0
+ local image_id=$1
+ IMAGE_NAME="${CPU_FMS}-${image_id}.scan"
+ load_image "$image_id" || return $?
+ return 0
+ local image_id=$1
+ IMAGE_NAME="${CPU_FMS}-${image_id}.scan"
+ do_cmd "mv -f ${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME} ${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME}_origin"
+ # Set IFS_IMAGE_NEED_RESTORE to true before corrupt the origin ifs image file
+ do_cmd "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME} bs=1K count=6 2>/dev/null"
+ # Use the specified judgment for negative testing
+ append_log "[$INFO] echo 0x$image_id > ${IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH}/current_batch"
+ echo "0x$image_id" > "$IFS_SCAN_SYSFS_PATH"/current_batch 2>/dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ if [[ "$ret" -ne 0 ]]; then
+ append_log "[$PASS] Load invalid ifs image failed with ret:$ret not 0 as expected"
+ else
+ append_log "[$FAIL] Load invalid ifs image ret:$ret unexpectedly"
+ fi
+ do_cmd "mv -f ${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME}_origin ${IMG_PATH}/${IMAGE_NAME}"
+ local image_id=$1
+ append_log "[$INFO] Test loading bad and then loading original IFS image:"
+ test_load_origin_ifs_image "$image_id" || return $?
+ test_load_bad_ifs_image "$image_id"
+ # Load origin image again and make sure it's worked
+ test_load_origin_ifs_image "$image_id" || return $?
+ append_log "[$INFO] Loading invalid IFS image and then loading initial image passed.\n"
+ local ifs_mode=$1
+ local cpu_num=$2
+ local image_id status details ret result result_info
+ echo "$cpu_num" > "$IFS_PATH"_"$ifs_mode"/"$RUN_TEST"
+ ret=$?
+ status=$(cat "${IFS_PATH}_${ifs_mode}/${STATUS}")
+ details=$(cat "${IFS_PATH}_${ifs_mode}/${DETAILS}")
+ if [[ "$ret" -eq 0 && "$status" == "$STATUS_PASS" ]]; then
+ result="$PASS"
+ else
+ result="$FAIL"
+ fi
+ cpu_num=$(cat "${CPU_SYSFS}/cpu${cpu_num}/topology/thread_siblings_list")
+ # There is no image file for IFS ARRAY BIST scan
+ if [[ -e "${IFS_PATH}_${ifs_mode}/current_batch" ]]; then
+ image_id=$(cat "${IFS_PATH}_${ifs_mode}/current_batch")
+ result_info=$(printf "[%s] ifs_%1d cpu(s):%s, current_batch:0x%02x, \
+ret:%2d, status:%s, details:0x%016x" \
+ "$result" "$ifs_mode" "$cpu_num" "$image_id" "$ret" \
+ "$status" "$details")
+ else
+ result_info=$(printf "[%s] ifs_%1d cpu(s):%s, ret:%2d, status:%s, details:0x%016x" \
+ "$result" "$ifs_mode" "$cpu_num" "$ret" "$status" "$details")
+ fi
+ append_log "$result_info"
+ local cpus_type=$1
+ local ifs_mode=$2
+ local image_id=$3
+ local cpu_max_num=""
+ local cpu_num=""
+ case "$cpus_type" in
+ "$ALL")
+ cpu_max_num=$(($(nproc) - 1))
+ cpus=$(seq 0 $cpu_max_num)
+ ;;
+ cpus=$(cat ${CPU_SYSFS}/cpu*/topology/thread_siblings_list \
+ | sed -e 's/,.*//' \
+ | sed -e 's/-.*//' \
+ | sort -n \
+ | uniq)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ test_exit "Invalid cpus_type:$cpus_type" "$KSFT_XFAIL"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ for cpu_num in $cpus; do
+ ifs_test_cpu "$ifs_mode" "$cpu_num"
+ done
+ if [[ -z "$image_id" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$INFO] ifs_$ifs_mode test $cpus_type cpus completed\n"
+ else
+ append_log "[$INFO] ifs_$ifs_mode $cpus_type cpus with $CPU_FMS-$image_id.scan \
+ fi
+ local ifs_mode=$1
+ local cpu_num=$2
+ local loop_times=$3
+ append_log "[$INFO] Test ifs mode $ifs_mode on CPU:$cpu_num for $loop_times rounds:"
+ [[ "$ifs_mode" == "$IFS_SCAN_MODE" ]] && {
+ load_image "$DEFAULT_IMG_ID" || return $?
+ }
+ for (( i=1; i<=loop_times; i++ )); do
+ append_log "[$INFO] Loop iteration: $i in total of $loop_times"
+ # Only IFS scan needs the interval time
+ if [[ "$ifs_mode" == "$IFS_SCAN_MODE" ]]; then
+ do_cmd "sleep $INTERVAL_TIME"
+ elif [[ "$ifs_mode" == "$IFS_ARRAY_BIST_SCAN_MODE" ]]; then
+ true
+ else
+ test_exit "Invalid ifs_mode:$ifs_mode" "$KSFT_XFAIL"
+ fi
+ ifs_test_cpu "$ifs_mode" "$cpu_num"
+ done
+ append_log "[$INFO] $loop_times rounds of ifs_$ifs_mode test on CPU:$cpu_num completed.\n"
+ local image_ids=""
+ local image_id=""
+ append_log "[$INFO] Test ifs scan with available images:"
+ image_ids=$(find "$IMG_PATH" -maxdepth 1 -name "${CPU_FMS}-[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F].scan" \
+ 2>/dev/null \
+ | sort \
+ | awk -F "-" '{print $NF}' \
+ | cut -d "." -f 1)
+ for image_id in $image_ids; do
+ load_image "$image_id" || return $?
+ ifs_test_cpus "$SIBLINGS" "$IFS_SCAN_MODE" "$image_id"
+ # IFS scan requires time interval for the scan on the same CPU
+ do_cmd "sleep $INTERVAL_TIME"
+ done
+ local max_cpu=""
+ check_cpu_ifs_support_interval_time
+ online_all_cpus
+ max_cpu=$(($(nproc) - 1))
+ RANDOM_CPU=$(shuf -i 0-$max_cpu -n 1)
+ DEFAULT_IMG_ID=$(find $IMG_PATH -maxdepth 1 -name "${CPU_FMS}-[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F].scan" \
+ 2>/dev/null \
+ | sort \
+ | head -n 1 \
+ | awk -F "-" '{print $NF}' \
+ | cut -d "." -f 1)
+ prepare_ifs_test_env
+ test_ifs_scan_entry
+ if [[ -z "$DEFAULT_IMG_ID" ]]; then
+ append_log "[$SKIP] No proper ${IMG_PATH}/${CPU_FMS}-*.scan, skip ifs_0 scan"
+ else
+ test_bad_and_origin_ifs_image "$DEFAULT_IMG_ID"
+ test_ifs_scan_available_imgs
+ test_ifs_same_cpu_loop "$IFS_SCAN_MODE" "$RANDOM_CPU" "$LOOP_TIMES"
+ fi
+ if [[ -d "$IFS_ARRAY_BIST_SYSFS_PATH" ]]; then
+ test_ifs_same_cpu_loop "$IFS_ARRAY_BIST_SCAN_MODE" "$RANDOM_CPU" "$LOOP_TIMES"
+ else
+ append_log "[$SKIP] No $IFS_ARRAY_BIST_SYSFS_PATH, skip IFS ARRAY BIST scan"
+ fi
+trap ifs_cleanup SIGTERM SIGINT